Ballots mailed to registered voters for 2023 Municipal Primary Election

Photo: TownLift // Bailey Edelstein
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Registered Park City voters began receiving ballots in the mail for the 2023 Municipal Primary Election earlier this week.
This year, ballots will reflect who voters believe should fill three Park City Council seats. Council members Ryan Dickey, Becca Gerber and Max Doilney’s terms are set to expire in January, 2024. Dickey is seeking re-election for a second term, however, Gerber and Doilney are not.
Also running for the three available seats are candidates Ed Parigian, Matthew Nagie, David “Pickleball Traffic” Dobkin, Jody Whitesides, John Greenfield, Bill Ciraco and Bob Sertner. Betsy Wallace, the only female candidate, withdrew her candidacy on August 2. Each elected council member will serve a four-year term.
Due to the number of candidates running, a Primary Election will be held on September 5. The six candidates with the most votes will move on to have their names on the ballot again at the 2023 Municipal Election on November 21.
Early voting will take place August 29-September 1. Residents can cast their votes in-person on the top floor of the Park City Hall/Marasac Building.
Ballots can be dropped off at any location before election day, and they must be postmarked on or before September 5 to be counted.

Summit County ballot drop boxes:
- Park City Municipal Marsac Building – 445 Marsac Avenue, Park City
- The Market in Snow Creek Plaza -1500 Snow Creek Drive, Park City
- Quinn’s Junction Health Department – 650 Round Valley Drive, Park City
- Summit County Library (Kimball Junction) – 1885 West Ute Boulevard, Park City
- Fresh Market (Jeremy Ranch) – 3151 West Kilby Road, Park City
- Summit County Library – 110 North Main, Kamas
- Summit County Library – 82 North 50 East, Coalville
- Francis City Hall -2317 Spring Hollow Road, Francis
- Oakley City Hall – 960 West Center Street, Oakley
- Henefer Town Hall – 150 West Center Street, Henefer
Important 2023 primary and general election dates:
- August 15: Ballots mailed to voters
- August 29-Sept 1: Early voting at Marsac City Hall, Executive Offices 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
- September 5: Primary Election Day – Vote Center at City Hall, Council Chambers 7 a.m.-8 p.m.
- October 31: Ballots mailed to voters
- November 10: In-office voter registration deadline, online deadline November 17, can register and vote on Election Day
- November 21: General Election Day
For statewide voting information, visit https://vote.utah.gov/.