
Several changes for the fall turkey season as permits go on sale

UTAH — Fall 2022 general-season turkey permits go on sale Thursday at 8 a.m. The new season brings changes for hunters, especially regarding changes to access different from years prior. The season will open on October 1.

The ecological purpose of a fall turkey season is to reduce turkey populations and address the conflict between turkeys and landowners. The problems arise from turkeys causing damage to cars, shingles, decks, gardens, landscaping, and other property from pecking, scratching, or defecating. With a need for population reduction, the Utah Department of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) is encouraging the harvest of female turkeys.

A key change for the fall 2022 season is that hunts can only occur on private land. This means that hunters must obtain written permission from the landowner to hunt or otherwise only hunt on their own land.

The number of available permits has also been reduced, with only one of either sexed turkey permit per hunter available for purchase. The permit is only valid in specific areas within the four regions: Central, Northern, Southeastern, and Southern. UDWR recommends checking the Utah Hunt Planner, as hunt boundaries have also changed.

Hunting licenses and permits can be purchased on the UDWR website.


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