Summit County Libraries now offering free ‘energy detective’ kits

The Summit County Library Kimball Junction branch. Photo: TownLift
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Is your household wasting energy? Summit County Libraries are now offering a free toolkit to help residents check.
Library patrons can now check out “energy detective” and conservation toolkits to help them assess energy and water usage in their own homes.
“The interactive detective kit helps residents perform an energy assessment of energy usage in their home,” said the toolkit website. “The take home conservation kit provides items for residents to install that will increase their home’s energy and water efficiency while also saving money on utility bills.”
The energy detective kit contains an FLIR thermal camera, watt meter, smart plug and refrigerator thermometer, and the conservation toolkit includes a faucet aerator, LED lightbulbs, low-flow shower heads and weatherstripping foam.
Find more information on this program here.