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READ: ‘Leading with Light’ marks a new era of conscious leadership

Authors Jeff Schuck (left) and Jennifer Mulholland (right) of their debut book "Leading with Light," which comes out on March 21. Photo: Jennifer Mulholland // Plenty Consulting
PARK CITY, Utah — Jennifer Mulholland has wanted to be a writer her entire life. For her, books are accessible; everyone can get their hands on one, and in most cases, the reader can grasp the author’s point of view. But, writer’s block is not the only challenge for those passionate about getting a book in front of people; it’s the daunting task of publishing, and finding a way for people to know their book exists. For Mulholland, co-owner of Plenty Co., this dream has finally come true, and her first book, “Leading with Light,” co-written by her and her business partner Jeff Shuck, is coming out on March 21.
Mulholland reflects on the moment the light turned on for her to turn her dream into reality.
“I remember distinctly traveling in the airport…when I travel, I always buy a book. A couple of years ago, traveling for vacation, I walked in [to the bookstore], which I had been doing for years, and I felt myself overcome with frustration. I mean, I was pissed. I felt envious of the authors on the shelves, and there was a stirring inside of me that said enough already: It’s time to write a book,” Mulholland said. “If other people could did this, why couldn’t I? [And I asked myself], ‘Why have I not done this yet?’ That was a moment of crescendo.”
Following that moment in the airport, during her trip, Mulholland was sitting at the hotel pool with her journal and oracle cards deck when a woman stopped at her chair and asked what she was doing. They struck up a conversation; one question led to another, and Mulholland quickly, and serendipitously, learned that the woman had just become a published author herself. After asking about the book publishing process, Mulholland got the name of the woman’s publisher, and now coming full circle, that publisher is Modern Wisdom Press, who published Mulholland and Shuck’s book.
But, what is “Leading with Light” about? For Mulholland, the book is designed for the conscious leader. Conscious leaders are those in the business world, who want to be more aware, aligned, and intentional on how they lead themselves and others. Mulholland describes the current leadership trainings that focus more on the tactics of leading, and things people have to do to be a better leader, but for her and Shuck, it’s a completely different approach.
“This is about getting to know yourself; your unique way, your style, your presence, your passions, and what you stand for, so that more of that can come out in work, in life, and wherever you may be,” Mulholland said. “And to help leaders become much more attuned and aware of what is happening inside and outside themselves. They become more proficient at connecting all kinds of information when they do. When that happens, leaders become more productive (and fulfillef) in making decisions and leading.”
In a world of quiet-quitting and burnout, being slammed and just “busy,” “Leading with Light” is geared towards helping people create better alignment with their true calling.
“It’s a conscious choice to align your life with what lights you up,” Mulholland said. “Many people are in transition these days, and many of them feel like there’s something more for them to experience, create, and be. That’s one of the many reasons we wrote ‘Leading with Light’ to help people who feel they have outgrown where they are.”
But, for Mulholland, one of the key practices is creating space, and putting actual time for ourselves on the meeting schedule. Many leaders are living in the “epidemic of overwhelm,” and without time for self, soul, and self-reflection, people don’t have the space to be more aware, aligned and intentional when figuring out the next steps.
“That’s what conscious leadership is; the call to be more aware, the choice to be
aligned, and the opportunity to be intentional,” Mulholland said.
Leading with Light is filled with practices that help conscious leaders ground these concepts along with the Four Lights of Conscious Leadership. “We use these lights as touchstones to help leaders navigate uncharted territories and remember they don’t have to figure it all out,” she said.
The Four Lights of Conscious Leadership are:
- You are light. Call it soul, essence, or inner spark, everyone has a unique light within them. Leaders light the way for others to follow.
- Your light never goes out. No matter how you feel, if you are having a good or bad day, your light is always on.
- You only have to see what is right in front of you. You don’t have to figure it all out, and in fact, you can’t. Imagine you are walking through a dark forest and you have a lantern over
your head – it only illuminates what’s right around you. Bringing your full attention to the present moment shows you the next step you need to take. And, when you take that next step, the light comes with you, illuminating what to do next. - There is a larger light guiding you: We are connected to something greater than ourselves. Whatever you name it, conscious leaders realize there are larger forces at work. We believe that force is benevolent and we can learn to co-create with for the highest good of ourselves and those we lead.
“There’s a natural current to life,” Mulholland said. “If you look at any tributary or body of water, it comes from a source, and it’s heading in a certain direction. We can decide if we’re paddling up river, or taking the easy ride and following the flow. Leading with Light is really about how you can notice where there’s flow in your life so you can consciously choose to go with it. Sometimes we don’t recognize the momentum of life and we don’t recognize signals that are slowing the flow. But when we do, life becomes easier, more joyful, and less stressful.”
Mulholland and Shuck’s inspiration came from years of holding corporate retreats through their company Plenty Co. To experience the book’s conscious leadership principles first hand, Plenty Co. offers their program Lantern, a three-day retreat for conscious leaders willing and ready to journey into self-awareness and growth with leaders around the globe.
Leading with Light is available for purchase on March 21 online. To get a sneak peak, download the first chapter here. here. On Thursday, March 28 , stop by Plenty Co.’s retreat center @HeartSpace from 6 – 8 p.m. for their book launch party to purchase a signed copy. For more information on how to bring Plenty Co. to your business, retreats, consulting and coaching services, meditations, and podcasts., visit Mulholland and Shuck’s company website, Plenty Co.