
How you can divert food and yard waste in Summit County

SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Solid waste landfills are a major contributor to greenhouse gases.

Summit County has two landfills. To help extend the life of these landfills and reduce greenhouse gases, Summit County has partnered with several companies to implement waste diversion programs.

Spoil to Soil

Spoil to Soil “just started full bore in June,” said Tim Loveday, Summit County solid waste superintendent, and they are “already seeing results” at the Henefer landfill. Spoil to Soil started their green waste program for landscapers about a year ago. Kylee Mimbach, the owner, has split off that portion of the company into Mimbach Co.

Spoil to Soil now concentrates on residential food waste. 1000 subscribers are already in the residential food waste program. For $19 a month, you receive weekly pickup of food waste and the option to receive five gallons of compost per month from April to October. You can also sign up for an annual subscription.

Yard Waste Pickup

Subscription-based curbside yard waste pickup is planned for spring 2024 if enough residents sign up in the Park City and Snyderville Basin area. This service will be provided by the above companies in combination with Republic Services.

At the Three Mile Canyon landfill, the current cell only has one and a half years left. Summit County is creating a new cell, which will last about 17 years at the current rate of dumping.

Park City Community Foundation

In April Park City Community Foundation’s Climate Fund joined the effort. They set a goal to fully divert food waste from the Summit County landfill by 2030. Their steering committee just hired strategic planning consultants Ben McAdams and Troy McKinley to create a strategic plan by November.

Currently, 40 to 60 percent of the solid waste headed to the landfill is food waste. A reduction in food waste will reduce methane emissions and help Park City reach its carbon-neutrality goal.

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