DWR: Last chance elk and deer hunting permits on sale July 11

A bull elk in northeastern Utah. Photo: Courtesy of Utah Division of Wildlife Resources.
UTAH — For those who didn’t draw a buck deer or bull elk permit earlier this year, the last chance to obtain a permit starts next week.
Remaining 2023 deer and elk hunting permits will go on sale beginning July 11. Permits will be sold on a first come, first served basis, and you must have a valid hunting or combination license to purchase one.
“If you happened to miss the big game drawing or were unsuccessful, this is your last opportunity for a chance to hunt big game in Utah this fall,” said Lindy Varney, wildlife licensing coordinator for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR). “Don’t forget that you can mentor a youth during these hunts, making it a great opportunity to pass on your love of the outdoors to the next generation.”
Elk permits
According to a press release from the DWR, youth and adult general-season archery elk permits will be available starting at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 11 .The general-season archery elk permits are unlimited.
“New this year, the youth permits will allow any youth — 17 years old or younger on July 31 — to hunt all of the general-season elk hunts, including archery, muzzleloader and both any legal weapon seasons in both spike and any bull hunting units,” said a press release from the DWR. “The hunter will just need to use the applicable weapon and harvest the applicable animal for that hunting unit. These permits are unlimited and will be available for purchase from July 11 until the last day of the last general-season elk hunt.”
Adult general-season any bull elk permits will go on sale at 8 a.m. on Thursday, July 13.
This year the general-season bull elk hunt will be split into two seasons, the first will offer 15,000 permits and be held from October 7-13, and the second will offer an unlimited number of permits and be held from October 14-20. The muzzleloader hunt will be held from November 1-9 and is part of the 15,000 permit total. Multi-season permits are no longer available for any bull elk hunts.
Adult and youth general-season spike bull elk permits will go on sale at 8 a.m. on Thursday, July 20 for the any-legal weapon, muzzleloader and multi-season hunts. There are a combined 15,000 permits available, with a cap of 4,500 on multi-season permits.

Deer permits
The sale of remaining general-season buck deer permits after the big game drawing will begin at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 18. A total of 76 permits remain. Youth general-season archery deer permits will also become available at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 18.
Limited-entry buck deer, pronghorn and over-the-counter bison permits will all be available at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, July 11.
“There are only two limited-entry buck deer and two limited-entry pronghorn permits available, but the Nine Mile hunting unit bison permits are unlimited,” said a press release from the DWR. “You must complete an online orientation course before you can purchase one of the bison permits.”
For details on permits or to purchase one, visit a DWR office or the DWR website at https://wildlife.utah.gov/remaining-permits.html.