
DWR restricts recreational shooting throughout the state

SALT LAKE CITY  — In response to Utah’s ongoing drought and wildfire concerns, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, in collaboration with the corresponding county sheriff’s departments, has temporarily restricted recreational target shooting with a firearm on 25 wildlife management areas across the state. Summit county locations affected include Henefer-Echo WMA, East Canyon WMA, and Kamas WMA.

Wildlife management areas aid in the reduction and mitigation of wildlife depredation on private property, and they are critical in providing important winter ranges and feeding grounds for many wildlife species, including big game. These lands are purchased and managed with proceeds from fishing and hunting license sales. Because wildfires can destroy critical wildlife habitats, Utah’s wildlife management areas will be protected by this temporary ban.

“Significant resources go toward improving the habitat in these wildlife and waterfowl management areas to make them more beneficial for a variety of wildlife species, which is why these proactive, preventative measures are so important,” DWR Director J. Shirley said. “Protecting these resources from wildfire is crucial for wildlife and is a huge benefit for the anglers, hunters, and other wildlife enthusiasts who utilize these properties.”

The temporary restriction only applies to target shooting with a firearm on management areas— legal possession of a firearm and hunting are not affected. Fireworks and explosives are never allowed on any wildlife management areas in Utah.  

The DWR’s temporary ban is being issued in an effort to decrease the risk of wildfires being started. The firearm target shooting restrictions will be re-evaluated every two weeks for the duration of the hot, summer months. Check for the current status of the restrictions on the Utah Department of Natural Resources website. 

“With the extreme dry conditions, any spark can start a fire,” DWR Habitat Section Chief Eric Edgley said. “With firearm target shooting, sparks from metal targets, a bullet or other projectiles glancing off a rock is all it takes to cause a spark and a fire. In 2020, two large wildfires on wildlife management areas burned several hundred acres of wildlife habitat and were started by target shooting with firearms.”

Effective immediately, target shooting with firearms or the possession of explosives, incendiary or chemical devices or exploding targets is not allowed on the following WMAs:

  • Coldwater Creek WMA (Box Elder County)
  • Brigham Face WMA  (Box Elder County)
  • Richmond WMA (Cache County)
  • Millville-Providence WMA (Cache County)
  • East Fork Little Bear WMA (Cache County)
  • Hardware WMA (Cache County)
  • Cinnamon Creek WMA (Cache County)
  • Middle Fork WMA (Cache County)
  • Henefer-Echo WMA (Morgan and Summit counties)
  • East Canyon WMA (Morgan and Summit counties)
  • Kamas WMA (Summit County)
  • Woodruff WMA (Rich County)
  • Deep Creek WMA (Juab County)
  • Levan WMA (Juab County)
  • Santaquin WMA (Juab County)
  • Triangle Ranch WMA (Juab County)
  • Apple Tree Springs WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Bald Mountain WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Big Hollow WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Black Hill WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Christensen Springs WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Fountain Green Farm WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Six Mile WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Twelve Mile WMA (Sanpete County)
  • White Hill WMA (Sanpete County)
  • Wallsburg WMA (Wasatch County) 

DWR conservation officers will be enforcing the temporary restrictions at WMAs statewide. Visitors to the areas are encouraged to keep their eyes open and to report any fireworks or any firearm target shooting by calling the UTIP hotline at 1-800-662-DEER (3337), submitting a report through the UTDWR Law Enforcement app, or by texting 847411. Violations of the restrictions could result in fines of up to $1,000. 

During the temporary restrictions on recreational firearm target shooting, Utahns still have several options available for target shooting. DWR has two public shooting ranges — Lee Kay and Cache Valley — and there are a variety of public and private indoor and outdoor shooting ranges throughout Utah. Find your nearest shooting range by visiting the DWR website. 

Statewide fire restriction information and wildfire prevention tips can be found on 

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