Salt Lake Tribune archives from 1920 to 2004 digitized

The online archive is completely free. Photo: TownLift
SALT LAKE CITY — Roughly 1.6 million pages of The Salt Lake Tribune have now been digitized thanks to Utah Digital Newspapers, a collaborative project based at the J. Williard Marriott Library at the University of Utah.
Records dating from 1920 to 2004 will be searchable by keyword at starting Monday. They join a set of previously digitized records from 1871 to 1919.
“We are grateful to those who worked to bring The Tribune’s archives online, now from 1871 to 2004, and especially to all of the journalists who have contributed to the newspaper going back more than 150 years,” Lauren Gustus, The Tribune’s executive editor, said of the 10-year effort.
The project used technology from, which is a subset of, the genealogy company based in Salt Lake City. They used scanners and other equipment that was able to capture 300 images per minute from microfilm.
Have fun history nerds!