How to incorporate mindfulness into everyday life

If presence is our super power, why wouldn't we put more energy into bringing our presence into business? Photo: Plenty
PARK CITY, Utah. — In our culture, the fastest one wins, and the busiest are the most successful. Right? At least, that’s the fast-paced culture some of us have bought into. But, at what cost does this barrage of back-to-back meetings and days of being the first in the office and last to leave have on ourselves and our businesses?
How productive can we truly be if we barely have time to remember to drink water or eat lunch? Creating space for yourself throughout the workday allows time to process those morning meetings or that idea you had last night before bed.
Plenty Principal and Co-Founder Jennifer Mulholland offers suggestions to incorporate mindful moments into the workplace for individuals and groups. Here are her tips:
- Build-in more space and transition time for yourself in between meetings. It’s okay to say no to a meeting or suggest another time that fits better as long as that means you have more time between meetings, and so you can show up better and more focused.
- Create a recurring meeting or a stand-alone meeting with yourself. Set aside a block of time for you during the day. Whether it’s a walk outside and a dose of vitamin D or time to sit and have a snack and some silence, it will benefit the rest of your workday.
- Do something that lights you up that brings you joy, that helps you breathe a little deeper, and puts an inner and outer smile on your face. We’re human beings and not work robots, so make sure you don’t get carried away in the tidal wave of work and treat yourself to some you-time.
- Start your meetings with meditation. Set the tone for the meeting with meditation. Let the participants have a moment or two to hone in on the task at hand and start the meeting with clear minds.
- Set your intention. Get clear on what expectations or goals are important. That way, everyone starts on the right foot and on the same page.
Mulholland created this meditation that can be a jumping-off point for mindfulness meditations in the workplace.