It is the last day for Park City Soils Repository public comment

The proposed soil repository location is known as the Gordo site at the intersection of Richardson Flat Road and SR 248. Photo:
PARK CITY, Utah. — Last week, the Park City Council held a Q&A session about the Park City Soils Repository. Park City Municipal Corporation has submitted a permit application to operate a Class I Landfill in Summit County, Utah. Property for the proposed Park City Soils management landfill is owned by Park City Municipal Corporation and is located approximately 2.5 miles northeast of Park City on Highway 248. The proposed site is where the city plans to put the soil it’s excavating from the arts and culture district property. The proposed repository was tentatively approved by Utah’s Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control and a draft permit has been prepared.
More Information on the topic:
- The Town’s Park City Soils Repository Overview
- All public documents and notices for Park City Soil Management Facility Class I Landfill Permit are hosted here
Today is the last day for public comment. Individuals can email concerns and comments any time before May 4th at 5 PM. Send all public comments to Be sure to use the required subject line “Public Comment on Park City Soils Management Facility Class 1 Landfill Draft Permit.”