Town & County

Traffic, growth spur SR-32 planning in Summit County: Open house set for Jan. 13

KAMAS, Utah — Summit County residents are invited to help shape the future of State Route 32 at a public open house January 13, where officials will gather input on improving SR-32’s safety and walkability while preserving its rural character.

The meeting, scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Summit County Library Kamas Branch Auditorium, marks the first phase of a comprehensive planning effort to balance regional transportation needs with local downtown vitality in Oakley, Kamas, and Francis.

The study route for the SR 32 Project.
The study route for the SR 32 Project. Image: SR32 Corridors and City Centers Plan

The initiative began in October of 2024 when stakeholders first toured the corridor. Six partners collaborated on the project: the three cities, Summit County, the Utah Department of Transportation, and Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG).

Plans emphasize sustainable growth, agricultural preservation, and improved traffic safety. Officials aim to develop walkable city centers and a valley-wide trail network while maintaining SR-32’s function as a regional connector.

The project will unfold in three phases through summer 2025: winter information gathering, spring concept development, and final plan review by mid-summer. Funding for the planning phase comes through MAG’s Technical Assistance for Governments program and UDOT’s Technical Planning Assistance program. According to Tim Sullivan, Consultant Team Project Manager, “The funding and schedule for this study just covers the planning work, not implementation of the plan. We anticipate the plan will contain a range of recommendations for policies, programs, and capital investments, and based on what those recommendations are, we’ll consider what the best phasing and funding sources for the recommended projects may be.”

For those unable to attend the open house, officials are encouraging residents to participate through online survey and interactive mapping tool.

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