
Day-of lift ticket prices soar over $300 at both Park City Mountain and Deer Valley Resort

This season, a day-of, peak-season lift ticket at Deer Valley is $299 or $326 with fees, up from $315 last season. At Park City Mountain, day-of, peak-season tickets are $328 or approximately $354 after fees.

PARK CITY, Utah — Peak-season lift tickets at Deer Valley and Park City Mountain Resorts will again exceed $300 after taxes and fees.

This season, a day-of, peak-season lift ticket at Deer Valley is $299 or $326 with fees, up from $315 last season. At Park City Mountain, day-of, peak-season tickets are $328 or approximately $354 after fees.

The rising day ticket prices align with a broader push from ski resorts to lock in advanced purchase multi-day or full-season passes rather than last-minute purchases. Advanced lift ticket purchases provides resorts an interest-free loan as well as a financial commitment that skiers and riders will visit the resort that season regardless of snowfall and weather conditions. For that, skiers and riders are given a “discount” on the price of a day of skiing. For example, Park City Mountain’s full-season Epic Pass, available for $1,047, equates to approximately three days of peak skiing at day-of prices.

Dec 26 one day lift ticket purchase price
Dec 26 one-day lift ticket purchase price

Peak Season Ticket Pricing (12/26/25)

  • Deer Valley Lift Tickets:
    • Walk-up window: $299, totaling $326 after fees
    • Early purchase: $279, totaling $304 after fees
  • Park City Mountain Lift Tickets:
    • Walk-up window: $328, totaling $354 after fees
    • Early purchase: $288, totaling $315 after fees, a $29 savings
    • Epic 1-Day Pass: $140, a savings of $148 and a 20% discount on food, lodging, lessons, and rentals

Both resorts indicate that these price structures are designed to accommodate early planners while discouraging last-minute purchases that drive up operational costs.

Snowbasin, Solitude, Powder Mountain, and Alta all crest the $200 mark for peak day-of tickets with taxes and fees.


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