
SCSO deputy intercepts wrong-way driver on Highway 40

Authorities believe the incident is alcohol-related

SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — A deputy from the Summit County Sheriff’s Office intercepted a wrong-way driver on Highway 40 on Dec. 10.

According to a statement from the SCSO, the Summit County Communications Center received a report of a wrong-way driver headed eastbound on Highway 40 near exit 4 at approximately 1 a.m.

A SCSO patrol deputy responded to the scene to assist the Utah Highway Patrol. The deputy spotted the vehicle coming toward him, still driving into oncoming traffic.

“The Deputy visually estimated speeds to be lower than 50 MPH and decided, in the interest of safety to the public and other motorists, that immediate action needed to be taken,” ” said a statement from the SCSO. “The Deputy aligned his vehicle in the safest way possible and intercepted the wrong way driver causing damage to the front passenger side of the suspect vehicle and also to the patrol vehicle.”

The deputy and the adult female suspect were uninjured in the crash. An investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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