Local climate action takes center stage in upcoming City Council candidate forum

person holding there is no planet b poster Photo: Photo by Li-An Lim
Candidates will respond to topics addressing Park City’s water supply, wildfire management plan, waste management practices, land management, reducing vehicle emissions, planning for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and land management.
PARK CITY, Utah — Park City residents have an opportunity to learn about City Council candidate perspectives on local climate issues via a candidate forum to be held on Nov 1. The goal of the forum is to have City Council candidates share what they will do, as council members for Park City, to mitigate the effects of climate change and help reduce climate change. All six candidates are expected to participate.
The Wasatch Back Chapter of Citizen’s Climate Lobby and the Park City Community Foundation Climate Fund have organized the forum.
The candidate panel will be facilitated by Park City High School Green Team members and the Environmental Studies class. Candidates will respond to topics addressing Park City’s water supply, wildfire management plan, waste management practices, land management, reducing vehicle emissions, planning for electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and land management.
A Q&A period will also address questions from the audience. The forum will not be live streamed.
Where & When:
Wednesday Nov 1 at the Park City Library, Jim Santy Auditorium from 6 – 7:30 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public.