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Primary results certified: Park City Council candidates Dobkin and Whitesides dropped

Photo: TownLift // Bailey Edelstein
PARK CITY, Utah — The results of Park City’s 2023 primary election were certified yesterday, Sept. 19, at a special meeting of the Park City Council.
Out of 5,460 registered voters, 2,174 cast ballots in the election, a nearly 40% turnout. In the race for three Park City Council seats, incumbent Ryan Dickey, Ed Parigian, Matthew Nagie, Bob Sertner, John Greenfield and Bill Ciraco received the highest number of votes in the primary election and will move on to the general election in November.
Candidates David “Pickleball Traffic” Dobkin and Jody Whitesides received the fewest votes, and will not continue in the race.

Important 2023 general election dates:
- Oct. 31: Ballots mailed to voters
- Nov. 10: In-office voter registration deadline, online deadline Nov. 17, can register and vote on Election Day
- Nov. 21: General Election Day
For statewide voting information, visit