Utah residents among worst tippers in the nation

Photo: Unsplash // Jason Leung
UTAH — According to data recently released by Toast, a company specializing in software for restaurant bookings and more, Utahns find themselves in the bottom ten among states when it comes to tipping practices.
The average tipping rate for Utahns in the second quarter of 2023 (April, May, June) was only 18.8%, placing the state as the tenth lowest in the rankings. However, when it comes to full-service restaurants, Utahns appear to be more generous, tipping an average of 19.9%. In comparison, their tipping rate drops to 15.3% at quick-service establishments.

Interestingly, California takes the crown for having the lowest tippers, with an average tip of 17.4%, while Delaware claims the title of highest tipping state, with an average tip of 21.5%.
“Tipping fatigue,” a phenomenon arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, has emerged as a prominent factor, experts say. Initially, Americans felt compelled to tip restaurant workers generously, but the pressure has dwindled over time. Non-service businesses have also started soliciting tips to compound matters, fueling a spirited debate in recent years.
Aside from ‘tipping fatigue’, inflation can dampen the likelihood of generous gratuities, particularly when consumers face financial strains. Considerations such as the cost of living, wage laws for tipped workers, differing generational attitudes towards tipping, and the broader call for equitable pay by employers further complicate the landscape.