Police & Fire

Residents safe after human-triggered wildfire threatened Eden, Utah subdivision

EDEN, Utah – A fire that broke out near the Eagle Ridge Subdivision in Eden, Utah, was quickly contained by emergency responders, preventing any significant damage to nearby homes.

Due to the conditions and wind the fire moved rapidly and posed a threat to 10 homes, two of which sustained minor damage. The fire started around 3:15 p.m. and as of publication no evacuations are in place.

The blaze, which consumed an estimated 4.5 acres, prompted a rapid response from multiple firefighting agencies, including Weber County, Ogden City, and Northview. These responders managed to achieve 100% containment of the fire, ensuring that it did not spread further.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the fire was human-caused, although specific details about the exact cause have not yet been released.

Weber Fire District would like to remind the community that dry grasses can ignite easily. Avoid open flames or sparks near them to prevent wildfires.

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