UDOT begins Marsac Avenue resurfacing project

Road work is now underway on Marsac Avenue. July 12, 2023. Photo: TownLift
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is now in the beginning stages of resurfacing SR-224, Marsac Avenue, from the Wasatch County line to the Marsac roundabout.
According to the project description from UDOT, resurfacing Marsac Avenue will further preserve the life of the roadway by preventing deterioration and addressing its current imperfections.
Crews will also be adding rumble strips with a break check area, and rebuilding the Hillside Avenue pedestrian ramps to be ADA compliant.
UDOT has provided the following work schedule details :
- July 10-21: Lowering utilities (e.g., Sewer/Water access covers) in the roadway in preperation for the milling and paving activity.
- July 10-18: Pedestrian ramps and curbing rebuild at Hillside Avenue, silt fencing installed for erosion/sentiment control in various shoulder locations.
- July 13-28: Excavation for the expansion and redesign of the brake-check pull out area just North of Wheaton Way.
- July 25-August 11: Milling and paving activity begins starting at the Marsac Roundabout and moving southbound
- August 14-23: Utilities to be raised to be flush with the new pavement. Ongoing roadway messaging and striping of lanes lines.