Wet slide debris covers most of SR 190 near Laurel Pines in Big Cottonwood Canyon

Wet slide debris covers the majority of SR 190 at MP 9.8 near Laurel Pines. Photo: Courtesy of UDOT.
UTAH — The Utah Department of Transportation continues to battle road hazards to maintain safe driving conditions in the Cottonwoods. Wet slide debris covered all of one lane today on SR1 90 near Laurel Pines in Big Cottonwood Canyon. UDOT is currently working to clear the road.
Road, ski resort, and backcountry closures have been frequent over the past few weeks as warming temperatures have added a layer of problems for both the resorts and UDOT.
To stay updated with info on the cottonwoods and see current conditions, follow UDOT Cottonwood Canyons on social media or the dedicated website.
#RoadUpdate 👋 #SR190 travelers, there is wet slide debris in the down hill lane near Laurel Pines (MP 9.8). @UtahDOT road ops is on the scene & working to clear. Drive with caution in the area and watch for spring hazards ⚠️ such as this during your travels as temps rise.
— UDOT Cottonwood Canyons (@UDOTcottonwoods) April 17, 2023
Conditions warrant extreme caution as deep snowpack & rising temps result in an unpredictable avalanche scenario. @UDOTavy & @UtahDOT will be monitoring conditions closely and perform avalanche mitigation as necessary.‼️Be prepared for road closures at any time
— UDOT Cottonwood Canyons (@UDOTcottonwoods) April 17, 2023