PEG Development withdraws application to amend Park City Mountain Development Agreement

A rendering of the PEG proposal for the base area of Park City Mountain at the intersection of Silver King Dr. and Empire Ave. Photo: PEG Companies.
PARK CITY, Utah — The Provo firm, PEG Development, withdrew its application to amend the 1998 Park City Mountain Resort Development Agreement. The application contained requests to allow exceptions to parking and building height limits. The original plan received skepticism from the Park City Planning Commission since renderings of the proposed redevelopment plan were first shown in October 2021.
Park City Mountain and PEG have been looking to redevelop the base area in Park City but have met roadblocks with their original plan. Among the negative feedback was the loss of parking areas the new buildings would occupy and the changes to sightlines to the mountain.
Rather than staying the course and asking for changes in their application, the resort and PEG Development are gathering more information and reevaluating the correct path forward in the redevelopment goal of the base area of Park City Mountain.
Finding a solution for additional offsite parking to address the planning commission’s concerns is one of the question marks holding any project back. Time will tell how this season’s adoption of a reservation system and paid parking might address those concerns.
“The Park City Mountain leadership team is grateful for the careful thought and time that PEG, Park City Municipal staff, planning commission, and members of the community have dedicated to PEG’s development application. The work and feedback to date have been integral in shaping the vision for the Mountain Village base area, and I remain committed to the redevelopment of the parking lots. I am excited by the transformational results of our paid and reservation parking program this season, and my team is focused on studying how that program impacts the base area plans and our shared traffic mitigation objectives. My team and I are excited to engage with our community stakeholders as we look to the bright future of the Mountain Village base area,” said Deirdra Walsh, Vice President and Chief Operation Officer for Park City Mountain.
Vail Resorts & PEG exploring alternatives for offsite parking
PEG will not meet with Park City Planning Commission in April