Reminder: clocks “fall back” on Sunday

Prepare to get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday night. Photo: TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — On Sunday, November 7 at 2 am, daylight savings time will end putting clocks back an hour to 1 am.
However, there’s a chance this formula might not be around forever. In 2020, Utah lawmakers proposed a bill that would keep Utahns on Mountain Daylight Time year-round. While Gov. Gary Herbert signed the bill, it requires the cooperation of other Western states and the approval of Congress to allow states to eliminate Standard Time.
In 2021, Rep. Chris Stewart (R) sponsored H.R. 214, or the Daylight Act, that would allow states to observe daylight savings time year-round. It was introduced in the House of Representatives in January before being sent to the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce by the Committee on Energy and Commerce. Despite the effort, no recent action has been taken.