Park City athletes enjoy solstice summer skiing in Alaska
The Karl Eid Nordic Ski Jump Complex sits adjacent to the Hilltop Alpine Ski Area in Anchorage, Alaska where Park City athletes spent summer solstice. Photo: Devin Maxwell
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. — The Park City Ski and Snowboard (PCSS) Nordic Ski Jumping Team was well-represented in Alaska yesterday for an all-night jumpathon in the land of the midnight sun. With their parents watching from tents in the outrun of the jumps, Tyler Phillips and June and Roscoe Maxwell jumped the night away. Why? Mostly because they could. During the Summer Solstice, Alaska gets over 17 hours of sunlight and it really never gets to be 100% dark.
Culminating a fun-filled week of getting to know country-wide counterparts, exploring the relatively nearby city of Anchorage, group hikes to glaciers, bush plane excursions, and more bear sightings than anyone bargained for, the unique skiing experience was one not to be forgotten.
Local television news broadcasted live from the annual event to showcase the courage and creativity that the USA Nordic camp has on offer as young athletes are able to start skiing down the inrun at midnight, fly through the air, and land on what is technically the next day, all while it’s as light as day out. The Alaska Jr. Flyers Camp garners broad attention.
Adam Loomis is a retired World Cup/World Championships Nordic Combined athlete and current PCSS Ski Jumping/Nordic Combined Head Coach. He is also the former coach of the Alaska Team.
Loomis said, “I feel extremely fortunate to have kicked off my coaching career in the welcoming community of Anchorage. Alaska is a unique place, and in addition to my coaching time there, I was able to travel from Juneau in the Southeast to Kaktovik to teach skiing at the far reaches of the state. The Soltice camp stands out as a highlight, including the all-night Jump-a-Thon. In addition to coaching hundreds of jumps that evening, I was able to take a few flights for myself at midnight as the sun still sat above the horizon line. Alaska will always hold a special place in my heart.”