New Main Street banners thank teachers

Main St. banners recognizing educators. Photo: Michele Roepke
PARK CITY, Utah. — Normally reserved for major international events like film festivals or world championships, the coveted Main St. banner spots are currently occupied by the names of Park City School District teachers.
In fact, all the school staffs’ names are being displayed by the Park City Education Foundation(PCEF) in its ongoing efforts to demonstrate the community’s deep appreciation for the dedicated work being carried out inside the schools and virtually every week. The Main Street banners are accompanied by much
larger signage adorning schoolyard fences and set up, front-and-center, at the school entrances. Perhaps you’ve perused the one alongside SR 248 at Park City High, which simply serves as a visual reminder of respect for all to see.
PCEF is the fundraising arm of the Park City School District.
Jennifer Billow, Associate Director, Communications and Development for PCEF, said, “We are thrilled to provide this recognition to every one of the 680 school district employees, thanks to our sponsor, the Louis Family. It’s become crystal clear that teachers and schools are essential for successful families and a successful community, and each educator has worked tirelessly to keep our students safe and in school – one of the very few districts to do so. We’ve loved showing our community’s support of our educators through this initiative, and we are grateful that the educators have found it to be rewarding and meaningful.”
Billow continued, “Like everything else this year, The PCEF Excellent Educator Awards, sponsored by the Louis Family is reimagined, in a way that we think is even better. Based on teacher feedback, PCEF felt it would be best to honor EVERY PCSD employee who has worked so hard to keep our students safe and doing in-person learning all year. We are one of the only school districts in the country to do so! We’re putting every PCSD employee’s name in lights – on banners on the light poles lining Main Street.”
Many Main St. merchants offer discounts and freebies to PCSD employees all month; they just need to show their badge.
These banner’s perfect placement is perfect timing as teachers nationwide had expressed a bit of burnout towards the end of this remarkably challenging year. Teacher’s morale is indeed being boosted, as evidenced on social media with local teachers proudly posting pictures of their respective names as displayed in such a high-profile hometown manner.
You can personally support the work of educators in this district by donating or registering to run in Running With Ed through this Saturday, May 22.