
95 year old Utahn tries to break a heli skiing record

LITTLE COTTONWOOD CANYON, Utah. — 95 year old Junior Bounous, a long-time Deer Valley Resort skier, made an attempt today to become the oldest heliskier in the Guiness World Book of Records.

“It was beyond belief to have a day like this,” Bounous said to Snowbird representatives of his record-breaking ski day. “I stand here and I feel so sentimental that it’s almost hard to talk about. It was such a special day that was never anticipated or expected.”

Junior Bounous heli skiing, at age 95, likely into the Guiness World Record Book. Photo courtesy of Snowbird

The weather gave one of those bluebird days that legends are made of, idyllic for Bounous, a local legend himself. Bounous previously worked at Snowbird as its first Mountain School Director and then Director of Skiing.

The 95 year old Bounous heli skiing in Utah. Photo courtesy of Snowbird

Snowbird said in a press release that Guiness is still officially certifying the record as the previous record holder was 94 and 306 days old. On Monday Bounous turned aged 95 years and 224 days old.

Junior Bounous, 95. Photo courtesy of Snowbird

Powderbird took Bounous and his family up and into the backcountry of the Wasatch Mountains just east of Salt Lake City.

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