When Garbage Day is a Snow Day

Some trash days are more challenging than others. Photo: Michele Roepke
PARK CITY, Utah. — Park City’s waste and recycling collection is provided by Republic Services. Record snowfall in the past 72 hours poses problems for the company, but when everyone in the community works together, those problems are not insurmountable, according to employees.
“Republic Services prioritizes the safety of our employees and communities during inclement weather conditions,” said Gordon Raymond, general manager of Republic Services in Utah. “We also ask that customers ensure that carts and cans are placed curbside in a location where they do not interfere with snow removal operations. All materials intended for collection must be placed out prior to 7 a.m. and must be free of snow and ice.”
Many Park City neighborhoods are waking up to bins remaining curbside, some leaning in a snowbank, some upright, some down for the count beaten by the wind. They are, however, empty and being brought back up driveways a.s.a.p., readied for next week.
Anyone experiencing problems can contact Republic Services here.