Summit County Library Needs Book-lovers

Summit County Library. Photo: TownLift // Bailey Edelstein
Calling readers who want to do more than check out books: Summit County Library is seeking community volunteers to serve on its board and help shape the library’s future. Board terms, which last four years, expire at the end of this month, and interested residents can apply now.
Board members represent the community, and make sure the library is meeting the needs of the community,” said Library Director Dan Compton. Board members help make policy and shape decisions on capital projects as well. To that end, Compton said the library aims for a diverse board to ensure more voices and perspectives are involved in decision-making. One project the library is currently working on is planning for a new facility in lower Silver Creek that will hopefully allow the Kimball Junction Branch Library to expand its service.
The Summit County Library Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November at 6:00 p.m. Subcommittees meet occasionally in between those regular meetings when a significant project is underway. The typical board commitment is around a couple o hours per month, Compton said.
Board meetings alternate between libraries in Coalville, Kamas and the Kimball Junction Branch, and are open to the public. To be added to the agenda, please contact the Chair of the Board.
For more information https:visit
This article has been updated to reflect the Kimball Junction Library Branch is not moving locations.