Police & Fire
Traffic alert: Truck fire closes westbound travel at mouth of Parley’s Canyon

Firefighters extinguishing semi truck fire on I-80 on Sept. 2, 2024. Photo: Lt. Cameron Roden // Utah Department of Public Safety
SALT LAKE CITY — A semi caught fire at the mouth of Parley’s Canyon at approximately 11:16 a.m. today. All of westbound traffic is currently closed. Westbound traveler’s should be prepared for delays.
According to Lt. Cameron Roden of Utah Department of Public Safety, the truck’s rear axel caught fire, but the driver was able to detach the cab from the trailer. No injuries were reported.

Authorities are currently pushing traffic over to I-215 and travelerers can connect back on to I-80 from there.
Due to the extensive cleanup, an opening time has been projected closer to 2 p.m.
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