Get ready for Live PC Give PC 2024: registration opens August 12

Photo: Live PC Give PC
Last year, the community raised over $4.8 million from more than 7,100 donors in one day.
PARK CITY, UT — Registration for Live PC Give PC, an annual community fundraising event for local nonprofits, opens on August 12.
The event, organized by the Park City Community Foundation, aims to build broad engagement and diverse support to create a vast community impact by providing financial support to nonprofits that enhance the community.
Last year, the community raised over $4.8 million from more than 7,100 donors in one day.
Live PC Give PC is scheduled for November 15 and the Park City Community Foundation encourages all participants to plan their donor outreach strategies now to maximize contributions and matches.
To participate, nonprofits must primarily serve Summit County residents and be active registered charities with the State of Utah. The registration deadline is September 27. Early giving begins on October 1, and a mandatory meeting for all participating nonprofits will be held that day.
For more information and to register, visit