Police & Fire
Swift response douses Summit County brush fire caused by firework

Small brush fire that started with a bottle Rocket in Lewis Canyon Photo: North Summit Fire District
"We got lucky with this one; next time, we may not be so lucky; time of day, conditions, and an alert neighbor kept this fire from spreading," said Battalion Chief Tyler Rowser.
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — On Friday, July 12, at 8:15 p.m., North Summit Fire District and Park City Fire District crews were dispatched to a brush fire in Lewis Canyon on the west side of Hoytsville.
A neighbor out for an evening walk heard fireworks and found a brush fire starting. She immediately called 9-1-1 and alerted nearby family members, who managed to keep the fire in check until crews arrived.
Despite very high fire danger conditions in Summit County, the lack of down-canyon winds and cooling evening temperatures prevented the fire from spreading.
“We got lucky with this one; next time, we may not be so lucky; time of day, conditions, and an alert neighbor kept this fire from spreading,” said Battalion Chief Tyler Rowser.
Open flames and fireworks are banned within the Park City limits from July 11 to October 31.