Lead-free water: Park City residents asked to verify service lines in survey

Photo: Swanky Fella // Unsplash
PARK CITY, Utah — Park City Water is calling on residents to help fulfill a mandatory inventory of water service lines, as required by the EPA and the Utah Division of Drinking Water. Although records indicate that lead service lines are unlikely, verification is necessary by Oct. 2024.

Residents are encouraged to identify and report their service line materials using a simple four-step process:
1. Locate the Service Line: Find where your service line enters your home, usually in the lowest level, visible from a crawlspace or utility room.

2. Identify the Test Area: This area is located between the water shut-off valve and the floor or exterior wall. The pressure reducer valve (PRV) is usually after the shut-off valve.
3. Determine the Material: Inspect the pipe visually, scratch the surface to reveal its color, or use a magnet test. Copper pipes will show a copper penny color, while silver pipes could be galvanized or lead (magnets stick to galvanized but not to lead).
4. Submit Findings: Take a picture of the test area and submit the information through the Park City Service Line Survey. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.
For those unable to identify their service lines, support is available via email or by calling 385-270-2525. Priority assistance will be given to homes built before 1970, as they are at higher risk of containing lead lines. However, information from homes built after 1970 is also valuable for future regulations.