
Recycle Utah’s spring Dumpster Days start May 30

SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Recycle Utah will host its annual Dumpster Days event from May 30-June 1, giving Summit County residents an opportunity to dispose of garbage and yard waste.

According to the Recycle Utah website, two large bins will be set up on Woodbine Way with pickups from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Volunteers will be available to assist during these times, and no overnight dumping is allowed. Bins will be hauled away promptly at 4 p.m.

Only household waste is accepted, businesses will be turned away. Mattresses, tires, refrigerators and hazardous materials not permitted. Learn more about options to dispose of these items in Summit County here.

According to the Recycle Utah newsletter, this will be the only Dumpster Days event this spring. Another Dumpster Days event will be held this year in the fall.

To volunteer at Dumpster Days, contact

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