Arts & Entertainment
Heber City awards first Arts & Culture TAP tax grants

Heber City town hall. Photo: Town Lift // Will Scadden
Grant recipients announced for Trails, Arts and Parks funding
HEBER CITY, Utah — Following recommendations from the Heber City Art Advisory Committee, the Heber City Council has distributed the inaugural Wasatch Trails, Arts and Parks (TAP) funding to seven local entities. The TAP Tax, a voter-approved 0.1% sales tax increase in Wasatch County, aims to support local art and cultural initiatives.
The process began with applications opening on January 10, 2024, and closing after 60 days on March 11, 2024. The Art Advisory Committee reviewed the applications using a scoring system, which determined the allocation of the TAP Tax monies.
Of the seven qualified applicants, all but one received either the total amount requested or the maximum amount allowed per recipient. The beneficiaries include Art Around the Square, Heber City Air Museum, Heber Valley Children’s Choir, M&M Band, Timpanogos Valley Theater, Utah Wildlife Federation, and Wasatch Camerata Chamber Singers.
The funding amounts, totaling $42,135.00, were decided based on a percentage distribution of the available TAP Tax funds. The council expressed strong support for these initiatives, highlighting their significant role in promoting the cultural landscape of Heber Valley.