Utah Super Tuesday results: Biden, Trump projected to win

people in front of the White House Photo: Photo by Kristina Volgenau
Projections in Utah indicate that both Trump and Biden are likely to emerge victorious in Utah, further boosting their momentum towards securing the presidential nomination.
UTAH – Both former President Donald Trump current President and Joe Biden are actively solidifying their positions as the potential nominees for their respective parties following Super Tuesday primary and caucus results.
Projections in Utah indicate that both Trump and Biden are likely to emerge victorious in Utah, further boosting their momentum towards securing the presidential nomination.
With over 65% of caucus votes reported, the Washington Post projects Trump to win the Republican caucus, earning over 58% of votes reported. Nikki Haley is projected to come in second, earning 40.7% of votes reported.
Utah will allocate 40 Republican delegates based on the results of the caucus.
Current President Biden is well on his way to winning Utah’s Democratic primary, as he has earned over 87% of votes with 61.7% votes reported. Marianne Williamson is currently in second place with nearly 5% of votes.
Utah will allocate 34 Democratic delegates based on the final results of the caucus.
Utah was one of 15 states holding Presidential caucuses on Super Tuesday, which also included Alabama, Alaska, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, Utah, and California.
According to the Washington Post, former President Trump is projected to win 14 of the 15 states holding Presidential caucuses, with Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley projected to win Vermont.
President Biden is projected to easily win all 15 states’ caucuses.