Police & Fire

Police Log: Possession of Cocaine with intent to distribute

March 21, 2024

Warrant of Arrest

A silver Volkswagen Passat was stopped on West Ute Boulevard for outstanding warrants. Upon contact with the driver, deputies identified as the male with the warrants for arrest. The driver was subsequently arrested.

March 22, 2024

Possession of Methamphetamine, Oxycodone

Deputies conducted a traffic stop on an unsafe vehicle traveling on I-80 headed west. During the stop, deputies observed narcotics in the vehicle in clear view. A subsequent vehicle search revealed user amounts or methamphetamine, oxycodone and paraphernalia. The driver was arrested and booked into the Summit County Jail without incident.

Warrant of Arrest

A vehicle was stopped for speeding near the Tollgate Canyon exit on I-80. During a records check of the driver, deputies discovered that the individual had an active arrest warrant for DUI. The driver was then arrested without incident.

March 26, 2024

Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Distribute

Deputies observed a vehicle parked with it’s emergency hazard lights on at Kimball Junction. Upon contact with the vehicle, drug paraphernalia was observed by the deputies. A subsequent vehicle search produced several bags of cocaine. Following the individual’s arrest, the suspect admitted to selling cocaine and provided substantial evidence supporting his claim. The suspect was arrested and booked for possession with intent to distribute.

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