Police & Fire

Summit County traffic fatalities down, but speeds still high

While Summit County saw fewer traffic fatalities compared to previous years, Wasatch County saw an increase

SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — The Utah Department of Transportation released traffic fatality numbers for 2023 earlier this month.

According to Kyler Sharp, the region two communications manager at UDOT, last year, five people were killed on Summit County roadways (versus six in 2022) and 10 in Wasatch County (versus 11 in 2022).

While Summit County saw 13 percent fewer fatalities compared to the previous four years, Wasatch County saw an 11 percent increase. Sharp noted that these numbers are preliminary, and are subject to change.

Speed and aggressive driving, which can include road rage and reckless driving, were the causes of four out of five of the Summit County traffic fatalities last year. In Wasatch County, these categories resulted in three out of the ten traffic deaths in 2023.

Utah saw a total of 279 traffic fatalities in 2023, which is a 12 percent decrease compared to the previous year.

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