Fundraiser Live PC Give PC this Friday

The 2023 Community Foundation's Live PC Give PC will be November 3. Photo: Community Foundation
Last year, $5.2 million was raised
PARK CITY, Utah — Join the 13th annual Live PC Give PC, a day of community giving in Summit County and Park City on Friday, Nov. 3.
Last year, with the support of over 6,600 donors, $5.2 million was raised.
This year, the goal is to engage 7,000 unique donors to support 122 local and statewide nonprofits. From social services and education to health care, animal welfare, trails, environmental efforts, and cultural and recreational programs, these nonprofits have an impact on community life.
It’s not just about raising funds online. Live PC Give PC will be a day filled with in-person celebrations and activities.
Nonprofits will be competing for an additional $35,000 in prize money. The Park City Community Foundation will be granting cash prizes sponsored by Park City Mountain to the top three nonprofits in six broad mission-based areas that receive the most unique donors. And, if you were a generous donor last year, your donations will be boosted by an added $10.
With a minimum donation amount of just $5, every contribution counts. Plus, many organizations offer matching grants, which means your generosity could be doubled.