Where to recycle glass in Summit County

Photo: Momentum Recycling.
Summit County also offers convenient local glass pickup through Momentum Recycling
PARK CITY, Utah — Recently, Recycle Utah moved one of its glass recycling locations to the Jeremy Ranch park and ride lot since High Valley Transit needed more room at the Ecker Hill park and ride lot. The second remote pickup location is in Silver Creek at Triumph Gear, 6125 Silver Creek Road.
Please remove caps, lids and corks before recycling your glass.
Recycle Utah also accepts glass at its facility at 1951 Woodbine Way in Park City.
In February, TownLift went into detail on why glass is recycled separately in Park City.
While the number of bins at those two remote locations have been cut in half, the weight and volume capacity has not changed. Those bins had reached their weight limit so Recycle Utah changed to a different system.
Glass pickup service
Summit County also offers convenient local glass pickup through Momentum Recycling. As of Oct. 16, Momentum Recycling has 120 active business glass recycling accounts and 531 active residential glass recycling accounts in the Park City area. While the initial push was to sign up businesses for glass pickup, residential customers can sign up for monthly glass pickup.
The activation fee to have a bin delivered to your home is $15. The monthly collection fee is $12. You are not required to remove labels or clean your glassware. To cancel the service, Momentum Recycling requests a 30-day notice. You can also put your service on hold for up to four months. To restart your service, you will pay the activation fee again.
Currently, Momentum Recycling divides the greater Park City area into four pick-up areas, each assigned to a different Friday of the month for pick-up.