Police & Fire
Prescribed burns push drift smoke into Park City

A controlled fire burns in the Uintas in October, 2023. The National Weather service has issued a red flag warning in the Wasatch Mountains through September 3. Photo: U.S. Forest Service
PARK CITY, Utah — While you may smell smoke in the air while outside in Park City, there are no active wildfires in Park City as of Monday morning, Oct. 9. Drift smoke from controlled burns being conducted by the U.S. Forest Service Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest near Hoyts Peak, Alexander Lake and Wolf Creek Pass is pushing smoke into the region.
Today, crews will be in the following areas burning piles: Lost Lake off of Mirror Lake Highway S.R. 150 at mile marker 25. If crews finish in the Lost Lake area they will bump down to the Murdock Basin Road (Forest Service Road #137) and start burning operations there. Crews will be in the Hoyts Peak area off of Forest Service Road #408. Smoke will be visible from the Kamas Valley, along the Mirror Lake Highway and surrounding areas.
Summit County Government is asking people not to report any fires or smoke plumes seen in these areas.