Clean up your home, hazardous waste and your neighborhood

Photo: TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — This week Recycle Utah makes disposing your waste convenient.
Gather your residential waste. Separate it into recyclables, hazardous materials, garbage and yard waste. Take everything except mattresses, tires, refrigerators, and hazardous materials to:
Recycle Utah
1951 Woodbine Way, Park City
on Sept. 29 – 30, 9 a.m -3:30 p.m. or Oct. 27 -28, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
There will be separate dumpsters for garbage and yard waste and all the bins and depositories for the recyclables that Recycle Utah accepts on an ongoing basis.
Hazardous Waste Day
On Sept. 30, from 9 a.m.–1 p.m., take your hazardous waste and mattresses to the Canyons Cabriolet parking lot. There is a $20 per item charge to dispose of mattresses. There are no charges for other items.
Hazardous waste accepted includes paints, varnishes, solvents, motor oil, antifreeze, batteries, propane and white gas fuel cylinders, compact fluorescent bulbs, electronic waste, mercury-containing items, pharmaceuticals and more. TVs must be small enough to be carried by just one person.
This fall the Bicycle Collective and Sunrise Rotary will be taking bikes in all conditions to be donated to people in need or sold to fund the collective’s charitable programs. Bicycles beyond repair will be recycled.
The Hazardous Waste Day is also supported by Park City Municipal, Summit County, and Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District.
Neighborhood and Park City cleanup
On Oct. 8, join the National Charity League from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. to clean up an area around Park City, weather permitting. For more information, contact David at
If you want to clean up your own neighborhood or an area you care about, contact Recycle Utah at (435) 649-9698 to rent trash grabbers on your own schedule. Vests and bags are also available courtesy of UServeUtah.