Your voice valued at PC School District’s Feedback Forum

Park City School District. Photo: Michele Roepke // TownLift
PARK CITY, Utah — The Park City School District (PCSD) is hosting a Feedback Forum with the goal of providing the opportunity for students’ parents and members of the Park City community to voice their ideas around Educational Equity.
“The concept of educational equity goes beyond formal equality, where all students are treated the same, to foster a barrier-free environment where all students, staff, and stakeholders benefit equally,” PCSD wrote in a statement.
The agenda is focused on feedback on the PCSD Board of Education’s draft of the new policy. Policy 1006 addresses; barrier-free access, diversity (including but not limited to religion, neurodiversity, language diversity, and socio-economic status), equality, equity, educational equity, equity lenses, gender, gender identity, inclusion, and opportunity gaps.
PCSD, in a statement, writes that it strives to lead students to “Develop self-awareness, self-advocacy skills and the knowledge to maintain healthy lifestyles that provide balance in life and improve physical, mental and social-emotional well-being.” Also, “ensure all students graduate from Park City School District ready to succeed in a racially and culturally diverse local, national, and global community.”
There are three scheduled forums:
- Tuesday, April 25, Park City School District Office Building, 10-11 a.m., primarily conducted in English
- Tuesday, May 2, Ecker Hill Middle School Library, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., primarily conducted in English
- Tuesday, May 2, Ecker Hill Middle School Library, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m., primarily conducted in Spanish
Organizers of the event are connected with PCSD’s Family and Community Engagement (FACE) team.
No registration or pre-notification is required.