Gov. Cox issues executive order to create safeguard plan for Utahns personal information

Gov. Spencer Cox. Photo: Utah State Office of the Governor
SALT LAKE CITY — Gov. Spencer Cox issued an executive order today to direct Utah’s chief privacy officer to create a plan to safeguard Utah residents’ personal information.
The chief privacy officer oversees the collection, storage, and protection of the information that state agencies acquire. The position was created by the Legislature in 2021.
This new executive order requires the chief privacy officer to complete a full assessment of state agency practices, and present a coordinated strategic plan to the Governor’s Office by August 1.
“From getting a driver license to registering to vote to opening a business, state government requires the disclosure of personal information for almost all of the services it provides,” Cox said. “This is a sacred trust and we want to make sure that every state agency has a set of policies and procedures that will protect the privacy of all Utahns.”