Arts & Entertainment
23 local artists chosen to show off at the Winter Arts Showcase

The Winter Arts Showcase returns from March 10-12 at the Utah Film Studios. Photo: Arts Council of Park City & Summit County.
PARK CITY, Utah — The Arts Council of Park City & Summit County presents its Winter Arts Showcase, an annual event that features unique artwork and handcrafted artisanal goods from local creatives. from March 10-12 at the Utah Film Studios.
“The Winter Arts Showcase celebrates the work of local artisans and offers a bridge between the artists and the community,” said Jocelyn Scudder, Executive Director of the Arts Council. “We are always blown away by the artistic talent in this community, and this show provides recognition for their hard work and allows these talented creatives to shine.”
This Showcase is a unique opportunity for local artists to connect with Summit County locals and visitors, share their talents, and sell their work.
“The Arts Council works hard to develop programming for residents and visitors of Summit County that elevates our creative community and expands opportunities for us to all come together through the arts,” Scudder said.
This year’s Showcase features 23 Utah artists chosen by a jury. The artist’s booths include paintings, photographs, jewelry, ceramics, fabric, textiles, and sculpture. Some of the artists will perform demonstrations over the two-day event to provide a glimpse into their creative process.
The Winter Arts Showcase will be presented in collaboration with Art Works 4 The Cure, which will have an extensive roster of artists working in mediums like photography and street art. Donations from the sale of these works will benefit Primary Children’s Hospital.
Winter Arts Showcase Selected Artists for 2023:
Art Coccuro, Bill Silliman, Catherine Marchant, Frances ReMillard, Haylee Syphus, Jim Sheeran, Janice Drake, Jessica Bolda, Kaleb Harvey, Karen Dreyfus, Karen Millar Kendall, Kat Murray, Kati Gyulassy, Lael Holm, Laurie Eastwood, Len Starbeck, Leslie Moss, Maja Prelec, Mary Perry, Mitch Bedke, Morgan McCue, Nuha Moretz, and Richard Pick.