
Park City Municipal launches 2022 National Community Survey

PARK CITY, Utah — Park City Municipal seeks to garner resident feedback through the 2022 National Community Survey that opened yesterday.

Over 500 communities in 45 states use the National Community Survey to gain resident input on topics such as public safety, governance, mobility, and more. Park City has participated in the survey, administered yearly by the National Research Council and Polco, since 2011.

“The National Community Survey is an important tool to gauge how we are performing across the board as a municipality for our residents,” said Mayor Nann Worel. “Resident participation is essential to helping our team to identify, reaffirm, and evaluate priorities for Park City going forward. Your time and input are much appreciated.”

The survey is conducted in two phases. The first phase occurred in November when 2,800 Park City households were randomly selected to participate in a mailed survey. Now in the second phase, the entire community is invited to participate in an online survey that closes on January 11. The results of both phases of the study will be made available in March 2023.

According to Linda Jager, community engagement manager for Park City Municipal, results from the National Community Survey can help inform Park City Council decisions and see how the city stacks up against similar communities.

“The survey gives us an excellent snapshot of our strengths and areas we can work to improve,” Jager said. “The results will be a helpful resource for our City Council during their strategic planning retreat in March. Benchmarking our results with other participating communities is beneficial when looking at our performance, particularly with similar resort communities.”

Find more information on the 2022 National Community Survey here.

“We value and appreciate resident participation and feedback,” Jager said.

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