Doorbell camera catches a large hairy creature on video. Could it be Bigfoot?

Hairy creature ventures around the Silver Creek neighborhood in Park City. Photo: Courtesy of Jensen Poore
PARK CITY, Utah — The cold, snowy weather that has been present around the state is a frequent cause of increased wildlife movement. From elk to mule deer, each deals with its struggles to survive the winter. One elusive creature appears to also be on the move as well. Caught on a doorbell camera in the Silver Creek neighborhood, the beast appears to be none other than Bigfoot.
Reported sightings of Bigfoot in Utah are nothing new. The well-known tv show “Finding Bigfoot” even shot an episode in the state. According to The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO), there have been at least 88 sightings in Utah. One such sighting reported in Summit County states that teenagers coming home from a party spotted a large hairy creature.
Could Bigfoot be real, or is this another case of a person in a suit looking to stay warm in negative temperatures? You decide.