
Live PC Give PC helps amplify voices of smaller non-profits, strengthen community

PARK CITY, Utah – Friday, November 4, is the 12th annual Live PC Give PC. The Park City Community Foundation hosts the 24-hour fundraising extravaganza, which supports nonprofits based in Park City and Summit County. Since the event’s inception in 2011, contributors have raised more than $21 million and financially supported over 100 nonprofits. In 2021 alone, Live PC Give PC raised $4.4 million from over 6,200 donors.

“Our goal this year is to get 6,500 donors and $5 donation counts,” said Park City Community Foundations Vice President of Communications and Marketing Christine Coleman.

Live PC Give PC calls on people of all ages and backgrounds to give.

“Live PC Give PC is all about inclusivity, and we aim for everyone who lives, works, or plays here to get involved in the generosity,” Coleman said.

“Any business or individual can donate at [on the Live PC Give PC website]. Businesses or individuals can also become sponsors of the giving day.”

Live PC Give PC Volunteers. Photo: courtesy of Park City Community Foundation.

In each of its 12 years of successful fundraising, the Live PC Give PC event showcases Park City’s philanthropic generosity, offering opportunity to directly support the nonprofits that make up the core of Park City.

“Our dynamic nonprofit community benefits everyone who lives, works, plays, or stays in the area. As a result, Live PC Give PC is designed to encourage mass participation… We have so many newcomers and would love to see more first-time contributors,” said Joel Zarrow, President and CEO of Park City Community Foundation.

This year’s giving event is especially significant as more families and people in the community grapple with the increased cost of living.

“With inflation at its highest rate in 40 years, we are seeing substantial impact on lower-income residents. Donations are needed just as much now as during the pandemic to ensure the strength of our community. Live PC Give PC provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on how nonprofits enhance their lives and those of their neighbors,” Zarrow said.

Live PC Give PC also has a big impact on the less prominent nonprofits. “A giving day like Live PC Give PC helps amplify the voices of some of our smaller charities and gives them a chance to do online fundraising to a larger audience,” Coleman said, “Live PC Give PC is the biggest fundraiser of the year for many of the smaller nonprofits. They rely on the funding they receive on this day to run important programs that serve the community.”

Live PC Give PC Volunteers. Photo: courtesy of Park City Community Foundation.

For folks interested in participating the day of, there is a robust schedule on November 4 for a day of community giving and celebration.

Donate online all day from 12:01 a.m.-11:59 p.m.

Look for volunteers promoting participating nonprofits by taking to the streets and operating donation stations, and show your support by saying hello and giving.

Wear orange to support the cause.

Encourage the whole family to participate or, better yet, get the neighborhood involved.

Attend the Party Under the Stars! from 4-9 p.m. on the Town Lift Plaza. High West sponsors the rain or shine festivity; it’s free and open to all community members.

Participating in the annual day of giving is a choice to uplift the community.

“Live PC Give PC has become a source of civic pride and ‘togetherness’ for everyone. Live PC Give PC is one of the ways we grow our culture of generosity and kindness and get everyone involved,” Coleman said.

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