Two I-80 bridges reduced to one lane through November

Interstate - 80 ramp exit. Photo: TownLift
SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — Summit County reminded citizens and commuters in a Facebook post that UDOT’s I-80 Bridges Improved Echo and Wanship project began On October 3. The project will affect the bridges at Echo (milepost 168) and Wanship (milepost 155) through November 2022.
Construction will limit traffic to one lane on these bridges for the duration of the project, with active work occuring Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Work will begin on the outside lane, leaving the inside lane open, and then will swap to working on the inside lane, leaving the outside lane open.
While work is initially set to continue through November, it will pause for the winter months and resume at a date to be determined in spring 2023.