SNAPPED: Photo Friday, A wildlife hotspot 5 miles from Kimball Junction

A western terrestrial garter snake Photo: (TownLift // Kevin Cody)
PARK CITY, Utah — Finding wildlife is not always easy, depending on the weather, the terrain, and many other factors. There is, however, one area that has been a consistent source of once-in-a-lifetime experiences. The stretch of Jeremy Ranch Road, from the Jeremy Ranch Golf Course to Highway 65, has produced rarely-seen nature encounters. From an hour spent with a young badger to a young cow moose acting as if she wanted to hop in the passenger seat of the vehicle, there is always something unexpected that seems to happen on many of the trips down the road.
The roughly seven-mile stretch of road is unique in that it is mainly flanked by private property and has East Canyon Creek running alongside. Not only does wildlife have consistent drinking water here, but there is also heavy cover and steep hillsides hindering where humans can travel. Like many areas of the state, mule deer are a frequent sight, but it is not uncommon to see large herds of elk, as many as a hundred. Down in the water or near it, there are usually cranes, mallards, and beavers. A couple of areas along the way allow public access, including the Mormon Flat area and a camping area called Large Spring nearby. The road crosses an area of the Pony Express trail and overlooks an expansive farm that usually holds wildlife in its planted field. Near Highway 65, there is a bald eagle nest high up in the trees that have been there for several years. The two adults can be seen nearby looking for food to feed their young or sitting on the nest itself.

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