PCFD Firefighters take second at tenth annual Firefighter Chili Cookoff

Photo: Firefighter Chili Cookoff
PARK CITY, Utah — PCFD firefighters took it easy for a change on October 8 to participate in the tenth annual Firefighter Chili Cookoff that benefited the University of Utah Burn Camp. The event was hosted at the Rio Tinto Stadium and raised $37,450 for the burn center.
Despite the high level of competition, Park City Fire District took second place out of 18 teams that competed from around the state. The event was open to the public, who could purchase tickets for $1, two of which were good for one sample of chili (about 4 oz.).
Keri Jones from Utah Disaster Kleenup, the sponsor and organizer of the event, said the following about the cookoff:
“We were in a new venue that seemed to draw a larger crowd, leading to a very successful event. There was a great vibe in the chili square this year, and for the first year ever, we had beer from Moab Brewery, one of our partners in the event. It was a beautiful day, perfect for an outdoor event.”
The University of Utah Burn Camp, the beneficiary of the event, was established in 1993 to help support burn survivors with the “personal challenges associated with surviving a burn injury.” They run five different programs geared toward different age groups that “provide a safe and supportive atmosphere for everyone involved.” Utah firefighters have been a part of the burn camp since its founding and continue to actively participate in the camp programming.