Heber City to conduct survey on city crime

Photo: Heber City Police.
HEBER CITY, Utah – Mayor of Heber City, Heidi Franco, wants to know what citizens are concerned about. In order to find out, she is conducting a survey on crime in the Heber Valley. All survey comments and responses go directly to the Mayor’s office, and hard copies of the survey are available at the Treasurer’s office.
Citizens are asked to pick the five issues that they believe are the biggest issues within Heber City. The issues in the survey include theft, gun violence, domestic violence, drug abuse, human trafficking, and sexual assault, among several other issues.
In 2018, the FBI conducted a nationwide study of crime within the country and found Utah to be one of the safest states to live in. Utah has crime rates well below the national average, with a crime rate of 233 per population of 100,000, while the country had a rate of 381 crimes per 100,000 people.
Within Utah, according to the same FBI statistics, Heber City is one of the safest places to live; the crime rate in Heber City is 157 crimes per 100,000 people, a rate well below both Utah and the country’s crime rates.
Despite this, the Mayor and the Heber Police Department want to know what people are worried about and how to make the Heber Valley a safer place. If you have any concerns about crime within Heber City, now is the time to make your voice heard.
The survey opened in August and is being conducted through the end of September. To fill out the survey, please refer to Heber City’s website.