Preserve Midway and partners to celebrate purchase of Mt. Spaa at 2022 Volksmarch Festival

Mountain Spaa in Midway Photo: Quinn Calder Photography
MIDWAY, Utah — Preserve Midway will celebrate the purchase and protection of the Mt. Spaa property at this year’s Volksmarch Festival and fundraiser on September 17, which takes place from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. The acquisition of the 78-acre property removed the potential of over 60 units of housing density being built and conserved the view corridors from Burgi Lane and River Road and potential agricultural uses.
“The property’s viewshed protection, active agriculture use, and the sage, wetland, wildlife habitat are outstanding representations of the purpose of open space protection in Midway. Combined with the Kohler agribusiness property, it is a wonderful entrance to Midway off River Road,” said Courtland Nelson, Chair of Midway’s Open Space Committee.
The Mt Spaa acquisition was the result of an almost two-year effort along with Summit Land Conservancy, Mt. Spaa partners, and both city and county representatives. The partnership with the Summit Land Conservancy was crucial in making the acquisition possible. Not only with the Mountain Spa itself be redeveloped there will also be multiple conservation easements where there will be trails.
Summit Land Conservancy Director Cheryl Fox said, “This has not been an easy project to explain or do. There are three separate conservation easements on the property as well as two deed restrictions.”
The property was purchased by a combination of multiple parties, including conservation buyers who mandated the conservation easements, the Mountian Spa developer, private donations, and the public open space money from Midway and Wasatch County open space bonds.
“Our community walk through Midway’s pastoral open spaces and charming historic neighborhoods is the centerpiece of this year’s fall festival,” says Lori Stone, Preserve Midway’s president. “We are proud to raise awareness and funds for Midway’s open space acquisitions and conservation.”